Extracts from Journal 01: 2021/22

by Jenny Haslimeier

In 2021 I began a journal as a method of self-care for my mental health. In order for me to ensure I stuck to it and completed it daily, I decided to make it in the form of a bullet journal. In the beginning, I was only documenting my mood. I used different colours to represent various moods and each day I would colour in a single square representing my mood on that day. It wasn't long before I started adding more pages to the journal. I began monitoring my sleep patterns, exercise and much more. After a few months of logging my data every day, I began seeing colourful patterns forming on the pages and this was when the idea of my series of prints and postcards was born!


From my first journal I have produced a series of six different designs. Their precise meanings are only known to me but I hope that the designs I have created appeal to a range of people.


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