
by Fadzai Mwakutuya

Running time: 2:43 mins 


Definition, Meaning  

UK /ɪnˈvɪzəbl/ US  

Asingaoneke - unable to be seen; not visible to the eye.  


“She was so unimportant in their lives that she was almost invisible to them.” 


“They keep their identities as invisible as possible because their position in society and in households is peripheral at best.”  


“Today, the age of the moon is counted after the new moon, when the moon is near the sun and invisible.” 


“Studies in ageing are also currently being stimulated by another type of invisible-epidemic” 


Similar words: invisible, inviscate, inviscid, inviscid perturbation, invisibility, invisibility cloak, invisibility, invisible barrier, invisible being, invisible bond, invisible braces, invisible character, invisible children, invisible college, invisible danger, invisible detection, invisible disabilities, invisible disability, invisible earning, invisible elements, invisible empire.  


Synonyms: invisible, unnoticed, unseen, inconspicuous, unobserved, imperceptible, indiscernible, out of sight, not visible, hidden, obscured, undetectable, veiled, unable to be seen, inconspicuous, unseeable.  

From the Cambridge English Corpus, Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary and the American Dictionary 


Filmed at: Riof & Traigh Uige in Eadar Dha Fhadhail (Ardroil) 


In Plain Sight Part 1: In Erms of Clay


In the penumbra, the strange wave